I came up with this sandwich on my own. My husband wanted a plain grilled ham and cheese sandwich and I decided to experiment with some ingredients from...
Get ready to feed a crowd with this meaty stromboli. With ground beef, salami, coppa ham, pepperoni, and plenty of mozzarella and provolone cheese, this...
Get ready to feed a crowd with this meaty stromboli. With ground beef, salami, coppa ham, pepperoni, and plenty of mozzarella and provolone cheese, this...
A not-too-spicy deviled ham recipe that makes you wish you had more leftover spiral ham during the holidays! It can also be served as an appetizer or in...
The ultimate Super Bowl party sub. This is intended to feed approximately 8 people and weighs in at over 6 pounds. Remember to lift with your legs, not...
I have been told by several people that this could possibly be the best thing they ever tasted!! A delicious and easy casserole your kids will beg you...
Mizuna is usually used in Japanese salads. In this recipe, I tried to use it in a sandwich toast and it went well. This would be a good substitute for...
The ultimate Super Bowl party sub. This is intended to feed approximately 8 people and weighs in at over 6 pounds. Remember to lift with your legs, not...
The ultimate Super Bowl party sub. This is intended to feed approximately 8 people and weighs in at over 6 pounds. Remember to lift with your legs, not...
The ultimate Super Bowl party sub. This is intended to feed approximately 8 people and weighs in at over 6 pounds. Remember to lift with your legs, not...
A simple casserole made with ham, corn and cheese. Works well as a main dish or side dish. If you like less salty food, use garlic powder in place of the...
The historic Cuban sandwich is Tampa's signature sandwich. Typically, the sandwich is pressed until the crusty bread is warm and the ingredients meld,...
Hot bun sandwiches with ham, cheese, eggs, olives and onion. Great for dinners and camping, eat cold or hot; delicious either way! Note: Hambuns can be...
Uncle Bo was my dad's college roommate. He created these sandwiches and served them up at Friday night parties before Penn State football games. I found...
If you run out of time to assemble the sandwiches, simply set out the spiral-cut ham along with the relish, mustard and rye bread, and let people assemble...
This is so good.........you can be flexible and vary the cold cuts that you use according to personal preference! Must be done a day ahead, which makes...
Uncle Bo was my dad's college roommate. He created these sandwiches and served them up at Friday night parties before Penn State football games. I found...
First simmered on the stove, then broiled and wrapped in tortillas, this ham and cheese frittata is a quick and easy to add to any bento box! This can...
This Monte Cristo sandwich with ham, turkey, and Swiss cheese slices is dipped in an egg and milk mixture and fried to a golden brown. A hot alternative...
Warm melted Swiss cheese and ham on buns with a wonderful spread. Great for quick cool weather lunches, can be made ahead and frozen or placed in the refrigerator...
These chicken Cordon Bleu meatballs are ham-stuffed chicken meatballs topped with a creamy Swiss cheese sauce. They are delicious served over zucchini...